Saturday, 26 March 2016
Business English: Receiving Complaints
Last week, we looked at making complaints. Today's post is all about the opposite: receiving complaints. In this post, we'll go over the language tools and expressions to help you deal with a complaint.
Sunday, 20 March 2016
Business English: Making Complaints
Unhappy with a service or product? Do you have a customer or compliant complaint? Today's post will be about how to make complaints, both politely and strongly.
Friday, 11 March 2016
Small, Tiny, Short, Petite, Little: Learn Your Synonyms
English has many words that have similar meanings or the exact same meaning. Look at the infographic above. Big and huge have similar meaning, but we use them to describe very different things. We call these words synonyms.
In this post, we'll discuss synonyms and how to choose between words that have similar meanings.
Sunday, 6 March 2016
Review: Comparatives & Superlatives
Time for a quick review. In December, we look at comparatives and superlatives. I'm a big fan of using graphics to explain grammar points and expressions. You could say I'm the biggest fan. Check out the infographic by
Really, A Bit, Absolutely: How To Use Modifiers
Mmm...This fried chicken is so good! It's absolutely delicious!
Today's post is on modifiers: words we use to add make adjectives and verbs sound stronger or weaker
For example, for the young woman above, the fried chicken isn't just delicious - it's more than delicious (for her). Using "absolutely" makes the adjective stronger.
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
I'll Have The Steak, Please: Restaurant English
One of the best things about overseas travel is trying new and different restaurants. Today's post is on restaurant English. We'll cover:
- how order food and drinks
- how to ask questions about the menu
- how to make special requests
- tipping