This post is about the difference between in, on, and at.
Study the infographic below.

IN used for seasons (summer), time of day (morning), months (August), years (1987), and decades (the 90s).
ON is used for days of the week (Saturday) or days of the week with time of day (Thursday evening), dates (October 16th), special occasions (on Easter Sunday).
AT is used for clock time (7:45), night, noon/midday, midnight, routine events (dinner time), sunset, sunrise.
1/ Complete sentences below using in, on, or, at. Be careful: one sentence doesn't need a preposition.
a) My father came to Canada ___ 1956.
b) The meeting is ___ September 7th, ____ 3.
c) What are you doing ___ next weekend?
d) How cold is it here ___ winter ___ the early morning
e) You can relax ___ your own time, not at work ___ the middle of the day.
2/ Try the exercise below.
Exam English | B1 Grammar: Prepositions Of Time
This is a bit more challenging. The difference between IN and AT as prepositions of location isn't always that clear. Study the right half of the infographic below.IN is for a general location.
ON is for a surface (platform) or streets and avenues.
AT is for specific locations.
2/ Complete the sentences with in, on, or at.
Theo: I'll meet you ___ the supermarket ____ 6th Street.
Senji: Where ___ the supermarket? It's a huge place, you know.
Theo: How about ___ the back of the store, by the deli?
b) I saw Amanda ___ the Starbucks ___ Gastown.
c) Akane: I the sports car.
Sofia: Which one? There are two of them ___ front of us.
Akane: The yellow one ___ the right.
d) You need to be ___ platform 7 by noon.
e) Saki will meet ___ the front entrance. She has the key to let you ___ the office.
Exam English | Prepositions/Prepositional Phrases Of Place
A blast from the past!
Schoolhouse Rock's "Busy Ps"!
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