Saturday, 24 October 2020

Teaching English In Japan | Memories & Photos

The actual anniversary of my arrival in Japan was April 6th, 2020. Unfortunately, the covid-19 pandemic had just hit us and I forgot. But, better late than never.

Sunday, 20 September 2020

Countable vs Uncountable Nouns


How do we count milk, money, people, sugar, apples, etc? Today, we answer that question (and more) with our post on COUNTABLE and UNCOUNTABLE nouns. 

Sunday, 5 July 2020

Words With Multiple Meanings | Watch Out 😱!

Polysemy is the ability of one word or phrase to have multiple meanings. Today, we'll look at how to tell the difference in those meanings. Do you know what I mean😆?

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Learn English Today | Online Services

The coronavirus (COVID-19) can't stop your English training thanks to Skype and other online services. Today's post is on how prepare for online ESL training and the services I can provide to you.

Sunday, 22 March 2020