Saturday, 26 November 2016

Idioms & Phrasal Verbs - What's The Difference?

We're back with more phrasal verbs, but, this time, we're adding idioms to the mix😆!
 Phrasal Verbs, Idioms - What's The Difference?

 An idiom is phrase (like an expression or saying) that describes a situation that is unique to the language.

A phrasal verb is a verb with a preposition or an adjective that changes the meaning of the verb but still describes the action.

It's not always clear because many idioms have a verb and a preposition or adjective. For example, run into

 I ran into Gemma, my old high school friend, while I was downtown yesterday. 
                 We're going to meet up tomorrow for coffee and catch up.

(to meet someone you know but didn't expect to see) 

   Ouch! Carson has just run into Borders!

(to collide with, crash into someone/something)
 For this post, we'll be working with phrasal verbs from the chart below.


Complete the sentences or dialogues with the correct idiom from the chart. Be sure to note the tense (past simple, present perfect, etc). The definitions of the idioms you need are written in italics. First, the situation and the definitions to help you find the answers, then check the answers online or with a dictionary.

1/ In high school, Michelle was really wild and out of control. It's shocking that she ________ as a  homemaker living in the suburbs.
 (to finally be in a particular place or situation)

2/ A: Is Miyu coming out to the party on Friday?

    B: She's not sure right now. She said she'll  ___________ me  by text on
(to talk to someone again, usually by phone, in order to give them information)

3/ Nell: Hello Rie.それはまたお会いすることは非常にうれしいです。お元気ですか?
    Rie: Wow! Did you take Japanese lessons while you were in Tokyo?
    Nell: No, I didn't. I just ______ it ___ by spending time with Japanese  
            people. Crazy, eh?

 (to learn a new skill informally, without training)
4/  Fidel Castro was a terrible dictator but, ________________ he had a 
      great singing voice😆.

      (in a way that's different from the first thing you mentioned)

5/ Reporter: Now that you've entered Europe, will your company open offices 
                     in Asia?
    CEO: We haven't _____ it ___ ,but, for now, we're focusing on the European 

    (to stop considering something as a possibility


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