Saturday, 6 April 2024

Phrasal Verbs For The Workplace


Finally, we're back with a new post on using phrasal verbs at work. 

Below are infographics of commonly used phrasal verbs. Take a few minutes to study them (use a dictionary to look up the definitions). Right-click to open the images in a new tab.


If you come across a phrasal verb while reading or hear one try to guess its meaning by;

  • thinking the context or situation
  • the other words before and after it
  • the speaker's body language and tone of voice


Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb. Make sure to use the correct tense and form. Use the comments section if you want.

Nadia: You don't look well, Sophie. You should have called in sick. Why don't you go home early?
Sophie: I can't go now. I have a meeting with a client this afternoon.
Nadia: Don't worry about it. I'll ask Benoit to _____ _____ ______ you. He knows the client.

Katya: Wow! I didn't know you quit. When is your last day?
Aziz: Well, it's today, Katya. I ______ my resignation _____ two weeks ago.

Yuto: I just saw the request you emailed. 
Tim: Yes. My team is running out of paper because of the project.
Yuto: Okay, ____ ____ the order form, but your team is going to have ____ _____ ____ paper, Tim.

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