Thursday 17 September 2015

Fast Talking Teachers & Asking Questions

Teachers talking too fast. This is a very common problem in ESL classes, and it's especially difficult for beginners. There are some learners who may feel uncomfortable saying something directly to their teacher.

My advice:

Never be shy about asking a teacher (or other native speakers) to slow down.

Remember, you're not just a student-you're a client. Asking an ESL instructor to speak more slowly is not rude, or disrespectful if you use the correct expressions. 

Excuse me. Could you speak more slowly please?

I'm sorry. English is my second language. Would you mind speaking more slowly, please?

If the teacher doesn't speak clearly, or you didn't hear what she/he said:

I'm sorry. Could you say that again, please?

I'm sorry. Would you mind repeating that, please

Did you say (17) or (70)?

If you don't understand a word or phrase:

Excuse me. What does (feeling blue) mean?
                    What's a (surgeon)? 

If a word or phrase is very difficult, you can ask the teacher to say the word, or phrase in your language.
However, most ESL instructors don't like to translate (except in a few cases), and may ask you to learn the word for homework.

Excuse me. How do you say (lawyer) in (Chinese)?

                    What's a (lawyer) in (German)?

The important point is to always ask questions when you don't understand something in class, or out of class. There's nothing wrong about asking questions when you're learning a new language.

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